Our Vision
OUR VISION is a community where every child and adult have access to Safe, Decent, Affordable Housing, along with educational and training opportunities. We believe a home is the foundation which builds a healthy community where families can grow, strive for their dreams and hope for their future.
A non-profit developer, Visionary Home Builders’ most significant achievement was its emergence from a small group of farm workers in 1983, whose sole purpose was to improve the living environment for farm workers in public housing into a prominent leader in the development and renovation of housing in the Central Valley region.
Visionary Home Builders’ development of a year-round housing community for farm workers is a vision that began 40 years ago. Starting with the construction of nine self-help homes, and what we’ve built today, a 70-unit multi-family development known as Casa de Esperanza stands as our shining jewel. This housing community was distinctively designed to house 70 large families in a beautiful environment that includes Head Start, a health clinic, job placement, classes to teach English as a second language and many other services. Living out our vision for Purposely Built Housing, Visionary Home Builders is a multi-cultural agency. Our dreams of a small group of farm workers has never been forgotten. We build housing and strengthen communities in the toughest neighborhoods that no other developer would consider. Our road to success has not been an easy path to take but it is rewarding to be recognized along the way.