Homeownership & Rental Center

Mendoza Family

The Homeownership and Rental Center is a great starting point for obtaining much needed information as you seek out housing. Whether you are looking to buy a home or find a rental in one of our beautiful communities, we are here to guide you through the process.

We play a key role in helping thousands of homeowners and renters just like you. Our expertise can also assist and guide those who have struggled through foreclosure or currently have a delinquent mortgage. We can assist you and help you make an informed choice.

Concept of saving money to buy a house.

Financial Education

Creating healthy, financial habits and taking control of your household spending is possible!

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Homebuyer Education

We conduct a variety of classes and one-on-one counseling courses to help you through the process.

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Rental Counseling

The transition from homeownership to becoming a renter can be difficult.  We are here to assist you.

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Resident Services

A variety of programs and services to the residents of our communities. See what is available now.

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VHB GVV Postponed Notice