Creating healthy financial habits and taking control of your household spending is possible! At Visionary Home Builders, we offer financial education classes to help you develop a spending plan and budget, build and maintain credit, pay down debts, create savings goals and identify healthy money management decisions. Take the following steps to meet with a financial coach and know that the fees are currently being waived.
Register for our workshop by downloading the applications: Financial Education packet, along with the Education and Counseling Programs Application Packet. Return the completed form to Visionary Home Builders, along with the workshop fee of $50 per person, in the form of a money order, payable to Visionary Home Builders of California, Inc. A separate fee of $23.05, also in the form of a money order, is required to cover the credit report fee.
Register for our workshop by downloading the application named Pre-Purchase Homebuyer & Financial Education Packet. Return the completed form to Visionary Home Builders, along with the workshop fee of $50 per person, in the form of a money order, payable to Visionary Home Builders of California, Inc. A separate fee of $23.05, also in the form of a money order, is required to cover the credit report fee.
You will explore and learn various spending and saving techniques, and develop a plan to reach your financial goals.
(209) 466-6811